Category Archives: Uncategorized

Meeting other people does not have to be strenuous or arduous despite moments when I want to be secluded, isolated or alone. Staying within a hostel setting, there are people constantly cycling through the common grounds of the hostel. Everyone is from all walks of life. Germany, France, Australia, UK, and so many other countries. We all come together for a moment in time with a common interest… to…

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Why not just make it a ritual habit to post something everyday. Just to speak my mind because this is my online space to do so. I have nothing to be self-conscious about. If anything, it can be a space to just let out my thoughts, some steam, or to reflect on the direction of my life. Just like brushing my teeth, taking a shower, or the habit of…

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Once I get to the point where I am earning $1,000 per month online or more, then I can now start to invest in myself and my adventures. The reason this is so important is because I do not want to be frugal during my travels. I want to enjoy the journey. I want to be comfortable in the process and not take a 15 hour bus just because…

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I don’t need to worry necessarily about who will find out about this Blog. Most likely, it will remain obscure, and only seen by me. Unless I promote it try to drive traffic to this blog, then it will remain in obscurity. With that said, I don’t have to worry too much about the words that I share with the world. I don’t need to be self-critical. I can…

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Something I have nothing to say. I want to be able to write and type up something every single day, but sometimes I just don’t know what would be the best thing to reflect or think about. Maybe I must just come up with something myself so as to bring the words into existence. I can just enjoy the process. I don’t have to know why I am trying…

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